
Tag Archives: workout

So if you read my last post, you know that I’m currently pumping the brakes on my high-intensity workouts and focusing solely on low-intensity, body weight style training. Over the past 5 days, I have incorporated light yoga and pilates (working on breathing, meditation and stretching rather than strength), walking, and other forms of low-resistance steady-state cardio…and yesterday I did something that I don’t do nearly enough– took a complete rest day.

I feel amazing. 

My body feels healthier and happier than it has in quite some time, my flexibility is slowly but surely coming back and I’m more and more at peace with the idea of low-intensity workouts. Today I wanted to activate my muscles a little more and decided to throw together a variety of body weight exercises with a higher rep range than I ever do. I completed each exercise just one time through and really focused on performing them slowly and with controlled, proper form. Holy burn.

I was honestly surprised by how well this routine worked for me and I plan to continue training like this on a regular basis. Plus, since it requires no equipment, it’s a perfect way to sneak in a little exercise while travelling or on days when getting to the gym just isn’t an option.


I included brief descriptions of the less-common exercises but feel free to comment below or email me if you still have questions! Mind-Muscle Connection is a huge part of workouts like this– focus on the specific muscle that you’re trying to work and squeeze into it with each rep. Also, move through the list in any order you like…but I wouldn’t recommend doing the wall-sit right after your squats. 😉

I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

Here’s to body love…


Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @missemmmysue


It’s October.

Changing leaves, cooler weather (if you don’t live in CA like me…), sweaters, boots, warm drinks, pumpkin everything…and lots of candy and comfort food. AND it’s almost Christmas time. Yeeee!

For many of us (myself included), maintaining a regular workout schedule during the holiday season is really hard. Between travelling, spending time with family and simply enjoying good food and relaxation, it tends to end up on the back-burner and that’s okay. While many fitness websites and blogs advocate following a typical strict regime “no matter what”, I’m here to disagree. Yes, I think exercise is still important, but not as much as finding a healthy and happy balance.

Exercise when you want to and how you want to. Making memories with your friends and family is so much more significant than forcing yourself through a workout or turning down grandma’s famous homemade bread because you might “gain weight”. Because, let’s be honest…in 50 years, is missing a couple workouts even going to matter. No. Missing out on beautiful memories will.

My plan of attack this holiday season is to kick things up a notch during October and November (still enjoying plenty of candy at Halloween and delicious food at Thanksgiving, of course) and to really utilize this pre-holiday time to exercise regularly, eat healthy and kick my metabolism into high gear. Having that mindset will allow me (and you!) to approach the season feeling great and with the ability to jump back into a routine after all of the excitement is over.

So let’s get sweating! 

This Candy Sweat workout is a Lower Body + Core routine that incorporates lifting weights with plyometric movements to tone your lower body and get your heart-rate pumping! Complete the 3 supersets and triset at your gym or at home with a pair of dumbbells and get ready to sweat!
candy sweat

If you aren’t sure of an exercise leave a comment below or send me an email (email in sidebar!) and I’ll be happy to help you! Also, be sure to check out the other workouts I have listed on my Build Your Body page and let’s jump-start this holiday season feeling healthy and confident. Who’s with me?

Here’s to sweatin’ for the sweets…


Follow me in Instagram & Twitter @missemmmysue

You know what’s funny?

I love sweating.

It’s bizarre but good because I sweat a lot. No shame.

Now that I’m back at home, working at a gym and studying for my NASM certification, I get to sweat all the time and it’s freakin’ fantastic. I’ve missed working out and, more than that, I’ve missed feeling healthy and in-shape. I’ll delve into my battle with depression and it’s effects on my health & fitness journey in another post, but it has definitely played a huge role in…well, everything. I’ve put on quite a bit of weight over the past few months due to stress, anxiety, depression– I’ve been eating for comfort and as a way to cope rather than for nourishment. But it’s okay. I’M okay. And I’m finally beginning to feel what true balance is like and see the light at the end of this very long tunnel.

Pursuing my passion for helping other people get healthy has been the biggest motivator for me to get healthy again myself. And let me tell you, I’m motivated. I want to live a long, active life and I truly believe that the best way we can do is to nourishing ourselves with nutrient-dense, plant-based foods and get [at least a little bit] sweaty every day. Sounds simple enough, eh?

That being said, I’m SO pumped to start sharing workouts here again! This first one? Brutal. 🙂

ps: i dunno where that ‘text’ bubble came from but I can’t get it to go away lolz sorrrry

I wrote this up and challenged myself to 5-rounds thinking it would be “no big deal”. HA. Think again! With these 5 simple moves my legs were sore for days! I challenge you to give it a shot!

My mind has been in overdrive since making the decision to move and shift my career-focus because there are SO many things I want to do– personal training, workout e-books, online training, youtube videos…my list is ever-growing and I’m determined to do it all. Eeeek! So excited.

I can’t even begin to thank you guys enough for sticking around and supporting me for the past few years. It means more than you’ll ever know. I’m not without my faults and issues but I like to think that’s what makes me real and relate-able. I struggle too. A lot. But if I can overcome mental, physical and emotional barriers, so can you. And I sincerely hope that you’ll take on this leg of the journey with me so that we can sweat our way to our healthiest selves together.

Here’s to a little (or a lot) of sweat…


It’s official, I’ve finally rediscovered my motivation and joy for life.

After living in the depths of a major “funk” for the past…year?…I feel like myself again. I WANT to smile again. Unlike before, I’m not writing about it here to convince myself, I legitimately feel okay.

I’ve been in the gym more over the past few weeks that I have in months. Not because I feel like I “need” to, but because I want to be there. It feels good to sweat and it’s inspiring to look around and see other people sweating too. The strength that comes out in a gym is unlike anything else.

IMG_5028So with that in mind, I wanted to share a little plyometric workout that I put together last week. I’ll admit, it doesn’t look intimidating but…lemme tell you…I may have died. The key is to push yourself, keep up the pace and only rest during the designated rest periods. Also, be sure to keep good form. If you aren’t sure about a certain exercise, feel free to google it or ask in the comments.


3 Rounds Each. 2 min. Rest Between Each Circuit. 

Am I the only one who can run on the treadmill or crank it out on the elliptical for 30 min. and be fine but die from 15 min. of plyometrics? I will never understand.

Last but not least, my friend Kaylee and I are putting together a little weekly workout program to get ready for summer! Our goal is to focus on the fun aspects of working out and let weight loss and toning up simply be a result of staying active and enjoying ourselves. Once a week, we’ll be getting together to explore different hikes around SoCal, try new types of exercise (hot yoga or pole dancing, maybe?) and laugh…a lot. Hey, that’s an ab workout, right? I’ll be sharing the whole journey here and also using Instagram hashtag so that you can join in and share your fitness bliss too! Stay tuned. 🙂

Here’s to a little extra sweat…


Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @missemmmmysue

Disclaimer: I am a certified personal trainer but, as with all workout programs, the ones I write may not be suitable for everyone. Please consult a doctor before beginning any new training regimes and if something hurts or feels uncomfortable, stop. 

I’ve been little miss grumpy gills this week and I honestly don’t know why.

Maybe it’s my overwhelming work schedule? Or the anxiety I’ve been feeling about my future? Or the headache that I’ve been battling for 3 days straight? Or hormones? Or general stress?

…or maybe it’s a weird combination of all of those things? I dunno. 

What I do know is that I’m sick of the pity party. I’ve done it and I’m ready to move on. When moods like this hit me, I have a number of things I usually do to ‘fix it’. It takes time but through a process of trail-and-error I can usually find something that puts a smile back on my face…

So, after my shift at work this morning, I set out to rediscover my joy and positivity. I went to the gym (see below!), took a long cold shower (thank you, heat), took a nap, ate my body-weight in food from Panera Bread, went to Target, and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around with Lionel.

Guess what? I feel 10X better. 

My headache is still lingering but the stress and anxiety I had been feeling has definitely lessened. I’ve been perfectly okay with taking life day-by-day up until this point and there’s no reason that should change. I am, however, going to start getting more serious about my future. The important thing is that  stay in control of what I want and don’t let fear take the reigns of my life like i have in the past.

Yawn. Enough talk about me. How about an awesome workout that will get your heart-rate up, tone your tummy, and get you in and out of the gym in less than 20 minutes? Um, heck yes.

HopToItWorkoutI had this crazy idea yesterday to challenge myself to 1,000 jump ropes but I knew I’d never make it if I did them straight through. Enter an awesome interval circuit! Try to keep moving throughout the whole thing and only take rest when you absolutely need it. You’ll be done before you know it!

Here’s to sweating out our sorrows…


Hey, remember when I used to post exercise/healthy-living related posts every Friday? Yeah, that obviously hasn’t happened recently. In all honesty, exercise has been on the back-burner lately. Life is crazy and I took that as an opportunity to stop stressing about the gym. And it felt damn good.

In the past I’ve let my love for exercise get out of hand- almost to the point of an obsession. As it turns out, too much of a good thing can be bad. However, after taking time off and getting much more in-tune with my body, I think I’ve discovered a balance that works for me. It’s a good thing because I sure missed getting my butt over to the gym on a regular basis and I missed sharing workouts and advice with you all! I’m [finally] finishing up studying for my NASM Certification test and I can’t wait to get that behind me and start putting together a program- potentially for in-person AND online clients!

Since summertime is in full-swing, today I have a new total-body toning workout for you! It incorporates strength, plyometrics, and abs using very minimal equipment. All of the moves should be fairly self-explanatory but don’t hesitate to ask if you need clarification about something! Enjoy!

SummertimeSweatHere’s to sweating to live, not living to sweat…


First off, thank you all so much for your sweet comments on my hair! I could never have imagined that I’d love it this much. I feel lighter, physically, mentally, and emotionally and it’s absolutely amazing!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m a sunshine gal. If it was summertime year-round, I’d be happy. What can I say? I was born and raised in California and we love being outside in the warm weather!

For the past month I’ve been toying with the idea of canceling my gym membership for the summer. Not only is it a good 20-minute drive from my apartment, it’s expensive. And since I can do (almost) everything at my apartment or outside, it seems rather pointless. I do know I’ll miss the classes but there are spin/yoga studios and tons of hiking trails all within walking distance of me. But the truth of the matter is that my life just no longer revolves around exercise and I don’t need a gym anymore.

For example, I went to the park near my house earlier this week and created this 20-30 minute cardio workout. It incorporates sprints rather than steady-state running and the intervals will keep your heart rate up the entire time. Plus, it flies by since you’re not doing any one thing for longer than a minute!

SunshineSprintsThe circuit is 5 minutes long so you can repeat it however many times you’d like! I suggest 4-6 for a 20 or 30 minute cardio workout. Make sure you cool down and stretch afterwards to avoid injury or soreness and don’t push yourself if something feels uncomfortable. Of course, this could also be done in a gym- just hop off the treadmill for the walking lunches and jump squats!

What are your thoughts on gym memberships during the summer?

Here’s to sunshine and summertime…


It’s 11 AM and I just rolled out of bed. Yep- that’s coming from a girl who hasn’t slept in past 8:30 since high school. I spent last night working at a Coachella pre-party and didn’t make it back to LA until around 4 AM. The restaurant I work at was catering and a few of us were chosen to go work the event. It was insane but my friend Tara and I turned it into a little road-trip and had a blast. 


Thankfully I was thinking ahead and got today’s post written up ahead of time. Enjoy!

For most of us, it’s extremely easy to come up with an excuse to skip a workout. There are always a million things that have to be done and the most common cop-out becomes ‘I don’t have time’.

Believe me, I understand that. Our lives are crazy and finding the time to squeeze in a workout can be nearly impossible. But, sometimes we just have to get out of our own way. Spending hours at the gym on a daily basis is never going to be practical for most people and that’s okay. The important thing is to get your body moving, even if it’s just for 15 minutes in the comfort of your own home.

You all know how I feel about strict workout regimes and the importance of listening to your body- that should always come first. But, more often than not, it’s your brain that wants to skip the workout not your body. So, mind over matter. Make time for your health. It’s that simple.

At-home workouts have become my go-to lately and, with gas prices the way they are, my wallet appreciates it. I’m limited when it comes to equipment but that’s okay! I truly believe that our bodyweight is the most effective form of resistance anyways. It forces you to stay engaged.

This week I put together a pyramid workout that I thought was going to be fairly easy. WRONG. This little guy kicked my booty! But, it’s over in less than 15 minutes and there’s no equipment required!


So, complete each exercise in order and then reverse it! I’m not going to lie, doing 40 jump-lunges and 100 squats left my legs screaming but I felt like a rockstar when I was finished. You will too!

And with that, I’m off to laze around for the rest of the day. Gossip Girl marathon, here I come!

Here’s to making time for you and your health this weekend…


Friday already?

I know I’ve mentioned briefly that I’ve been dealing with difficult family issues over the past few months. I’m still not ready to delve into the details (and probably never will be) but I will say that it has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. I’m generally a very a positive person and I strive to keep smiling no matter what life throws my way. But every once in a while I get stuck in a ‘funk’ and I have a hard time maintaining my smile. That’s exactly what happened this week…

I spent Wednesday and Thursday with my nose buried in my book, journaling, playing with Lionel, and seeing my friends…and, you know what? I feel so much better. Sometimes we have to let ourselves feel upset for a while before we’re able to turn around and find the positivity again. It’s a balance.


Obviously this put exercise on the back-burner and reminded me why I don’t follow a strict workout regime. I know that works for many people but it’s just not for me. I never want exercise to feel like a chore or an obligation so I’d rather just do what I feel like, when I feel like it. This week? I worked out a whopping 2 times. On Monday I created a total-body workout that left me sore for days (see below!) and on Wednesday I went on a jog/hike because I desperately needed to spend some time in the sun.

I’ve seen various 1,000 Rep Challenges floating around and have been intrigued with the idea of creating one. I know 1,000 reps sounds incredibly daunting but the way I’ve broken it up makes the workout bearable. 10 exercises, 20 reps each, 5 rounds! It kicked my booty but it was over in less than 45 minutes and I guarantee you’ll feel like a badass when you can say you completed 1,000 reps!


Rest as much as you need to between sets. Also, it’s crucial that you give your muscles adequate time to re-build after strength training sessions and that’s particularly important when you’re working your entire body. So, I suggest trying this routine when you know you’ll have a day or two to recover.

Like with diets, there is no one exercise plan that works for everyone. Some people need a strict schedule to stick to while others are better off making up their routines on a daily basis. I definitely fall into the latter group but that doesn’t make it “right”. It’s all about finding what brings you bliss.

Here’s to a weekend filled with smiles…


First of all, I have to say thank you for the unbelievable comments you all left on my last post. Seriously. It’s such a comfort to know that so many of you can relate to being a perfectionist and are working to overcome it. Life is so much more enjoyable when we rid ourselves of that burden.

Second, I have to say I’m quite proud of myself for keeping up with my posting schedule this week. I was sure I’d miss a day or two in there but I somehow managed to stay on top of things. Success! Obviously life hasn’t been quite so stressful for this little guy…


And finally, today’s post…

Remember a few weeks ago when I kept harping on the importance of stability and core training? Well, I’m back to do it again! As I make my way through the last few chapters of my NASM textbook I’ve started to look back on the things I’ve learned and what really stood out. Ironically enough, one of the things NASM repeats over and over again is the importance of having a strong foundation to build on. Whether you’re brand new to exercise, a yogi, an avid cross-fitter, a body-builder, etc., stability and core training should always be your base. Then, as you gain strength in those areas, you’ll be able to safely and effectively add in different types of exercise and push yourself to new limits.

I don’t know about you but I’ve always struggled when it comes to doing a zillion crunches. No matter how perfect my form is, after a while my neck starts to ache and I tire of repeating the same motion over and over. Thankfully, core-training doesn’t have to include crunches- in fact, almost every exercise can work your abs if you’re keeping them engaged throughout the movement.

So, in light of that, I wanted to share a quick 8 (or 16!) minute ab routine that doesn’t require one single crunch or sit-up. One time through each circuit is quite a workout in itself but, if you want an extra challenge, repeat Circuit #1 before you move on to Circuit #2 and then repeat that one as well!

Anti-Crunch Abs

Most of the exercises should be fairly simple & self-explanatory but, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! (If you type the exercise into Google, demonstrations should also be available online.)

I actually really enjoy this workout (it flies by!) and I hope you do too! It’ll leave your core strong and your neck happy- what more could we ask for?!

Here’s to buildin’ abs of steel…
