20 truths for 20-somethings

This is my 200th post on BuildMyBliss.com.

When I started this blog back at the beginning of 2013, I could have never predicted where it would take me and how much it would influence my life. The people I’ve met, the lessons I’ve learned and the realizations I’ve had over the past [almost] 3 years are unbelievable and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Whether you were here for my first post or my last, I am so thankful for you.

It seemed fitting to use my 200th post as a time to share 20 things that I’ve discovered over the past few years of blogging here. For all of my fellow twenty-somethings out there. This is for you.  Everyone else? Don’t stop reading. I have a feeling these 20 thoughts will still apply.

  1. Your parents didn’t have everything figured out at your age either. In fact, they probably still don’t. They don’t expect you to be perfect and they won’t be disappointed if you change course during this time in your life. That’s what your twenties are for.
  2. The love of your life is out there. Don’t rush it. They will come.
  3. Take time to be single. Learn about yourself. Love yourself.
  4. When you do fall in love, make sure it’s with someone you can also call your best friend.
  5. Your bills aren’t going away. Find a method that works for you and pay them on time.
  6. And while we’re on that topic, don’t buy things you can’t afford. Debt sucks.
  7. Eat food, enjoy it, move on. It’s there for fuel, not comfort or control.
  8. Drink water. A lot.
  9. Hang out with people who inspire and motivate you. It will change your life.
  10. Before you even consider having kids, get a pet. It’s great practice.
  11. If you fail at something, don’t dwell on it. Figure out why, learn from it and move on.
  12. Your body is beautiful and it’s not okay to miss out on opportunities because you don’t accept it. Fall in love with your body and everything it does for you then put on that bikini and rock it.
  13. Learn to say ‘yes’ to new opportunities, even if they scare you.
  14. Learn to say ‘no’ to things that don’t benefit you, even if they’re tempting.
  15. No matter what job you have, work hard at it. You never know what it could lead to.
  16. Time is money. Never be late.
  17. Take pictures. Treasure them.
  18. Maintain a certain level on privacy. Social media doesn’t need to see everything.
  19. Push yourself. Take risks. You are capable of anything you’re willing to work for.
  20. Travel. It’s worth every penny. I promise.

IMG_7052This list is just as much for me as much as for you. This time in our lives can feel so confusing, overwhelming and never-ending, but it’s flying by…faster than you think. You’re doing better than you believe and you have so much to offer the world. Embrace that truth and never forget it.

Here’s to the twenty-somethings…


Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @missemmmysue

  1. Kelsey said:

    Preach it my dear! That first one is so powerful – it is so weird to look back on being a kid/teen and thinking our parents were awesome. And while they still are, being an adult alongside them makes you think differently about what they were truly going through. ❤

    • Emily said:

      Right?! It’s kind of insane to me. But it just goes to show that we’re always learning and growing, no matter what age we might be. ❤

  2. Taylor said:

    I love all of these and while I still have to remind myself to work on a few of these more often than others, they are all so incredible true! I adore your blog, as you know, and I am really excited about the direction you have taken it lately. I’m so happy that I have been able to connect with you through your blog! ❤

    • Emily said:

      I’m still working on them too…believe me. Thanks so much, Taylor! I’m so happy that I’ve been able to connect with you as well. ❤

    • Emily said:

      Aw! Thank you, Kaila! ❤

  3. P said:

    All of this—so true! Currently rockin’ #3, and I wish a lot more people in my life followed #16 :/

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